Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Who would I pick to win the Turner Prize?

  I would agree with the judges' choice of Susan Philipz to win the Turner Prize 2010.  I felt her work was the most original and different from anything that I personally have experienced before.  Her audio installation consisted of three speakers playing her voice singing the "Lowlands Away" ballad at different times.  The sound echos off the white walls and through the beams in the ceiling back towards the audience, activating the whole space.  I realized this was the only room where I even noticed the ceiling because I felt the whole space was vibrating with the sound.  This sound was calming but sorrowful, and even more so once I learned the song was about a lost lover.  The white walls allow the listener to concentrate solely on the sound, which you can hear before you even enter the exhibit.  I thought the room was a great space for the exhibit, and I would love to see the contrast with this sound installation being outside under the London Bridge.  The way Susan Philipz's voice would refract off the water and surrounding scenery would be quite different from the interior white gallery walls.  I think cite-specific art is very interesting and relevant to the viewer in order to interact with the piece and I want to experience more of Susan Philipz's work after seeing this show.

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